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On the podium of the most virtuous sectors in the field of micro influencer marketing, the Beauty and the Fashion they have a stable and lasting position. Beauty and fashion brands were among the first to grasp and understand the opportunities of a new type of advertising.

The tendency to collaborate with micro influencers has proved particularly profitable, so those who have had the courage to dive into still little-known waters have achieved truly amazing results.

So let's see two of the best known brands that have carried out campaigns of this type and their results.


Sephora can be considered a real one giant of the beauty sector; born more than 50 years ago, it certainly cannot be said that it demonstrates the weight of its years, and this thanks to the extraordinary ability of its managers to renew themselves and change perspectives.

To promote its product line, Sephora got involved micro and macro influencers, conveying its fundamental belief: beauty must not be complicated. The hashtag fully summarizes the underlying values of the message, #beautyuncomplicated, in a way so simple but at the same time so powerful as to be able to convince even the most suspicious of spectators that taking care of oneself is simple and has an incalculable beneficial power over one's person.

The results were not long in coming. His campaign has achieved more than 8.8 million users, increasing the Brand Awareness exponentially.

A particular case: Daniel Wellington.

Daniel Wellington, famous Watch brand, has carried out many micro influencer marketing campaigns, but one of these in particular has aroused the interest of many: one of the collaborations was put in place together with a famous brand of food products for pets. The watch brand shared its discount code with this, reaching the public no longer only through the involvement of Fashion and Beauty profiles, but by expanding its own catchment area.

The collaboration with accounts outside the fashion world has allowed Daniel Wellington to broaden his target, increasing the audience of potential consumers.

Micro influencer Marketing represents, for many companies, a still little-known tool in Italy, but for this reason companies that are aware of it have the opportunity to achieve a real competitive advantage over their competitors.

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Source: https://mediakix.com/blog/top-instagram-micro-influencer-campaigns/https://infloo.it/micro-influencer-per-il-beauty-3-casi-di-successo/